
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day Blues No. 8

Remember that at any given moment there are a thousand things you can love. - David Levithan

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

July in Batan Island

Last month's beautiful moments happened almost all in Basco. Encounters July, however, not just settled in Basco, but it also moved to Ivana and Uyugan (three of the four municipalities found in Batan Island). 

Yes, July was wandering. But it's far more inspiring than the previous month. Why? It allowed me to move to another pace of purpose-realization. Now that's a good sign to me. So, with this onward movement, I can say I'm adjusting - officially at least. Haha. 

One of the more memorable transition moments was during a trip to a millet field for our Ivatan rituals class with Dr. Hornedo. Millet, or "rawut", as locally known, is a cereal that's rare nowadays because farmers stop producing it. Therefore, holding a heritage rawut in good shape boosted my confidence for Batanes cultural heritage. 

I'm expecting new transitions these coming days. So, here's a list of 31 beautiful transitions from July. I share this with you in the hopes that they'll keep me going for another month of encounters - the good and the not-so-good kind. 

1. Team Basco victory party till 4AM.
2. Starting up a new "mature" venture with friends. 
3. First OT at work. Para sa Batanes! 
4. Telling people your future plans give you the energy to hustle hard. 
5. Happy 23 years of loving and hating, Ma and Pop! 
6. Four years with Butch. 
7. Received my first art writer perk in the form of registration fee. 
8. First Honesty Ride experience. 
9. First Artists' Retreat experience. Definitely one for the books! :) 
10. Those southern motorcycle road trips. Cue Calvin Harris's Summer
11. Sunny photo walks around Ivana and Uyugan. 
12. Swimming just like elementary days. 
13. Happy fiesta, Tukon! You're awkward though. 
14. Early morning walk in Vayang Rolling Hills. Perfect way to start any day. 
15. Seeing more reasons to study. 
16. Did photoshoots at home with Ma. 
17. A cup of Phil's Brew coffee. Feels good bro. 
18. More and more reasons to appreciate things Ivatan. 
19. Unexpected labors of love. 
20. More and more Thomasians going to Batanes. 
21. That rare moment when you meet a Communication Arts alumnus in Basco. 
22. Surprise lunches at work. 
23. When books are more reliable sources than internet. The Peter Principle aka eureka book! 
24. Already earned twelve units from grad school. 
25. First time to see a millet field while wearing all white. 
26. First Green Revolution experience at work. 
27. First time to drive to Valugan. 
28. Committing myself to finish reading Dr. Hornedo's books. 
29. Trying a new time-management strategy. Fingers crossed. 
30. Getting more involved in art, heritage and writing. Yaru Gazette, you inspiring creature! 
31. Witnessing daily proofs of support. Hi, Argonza clan! 

I hope August is as passion stirring as July. 

Day Blues No. 7

These are the maxims I live for. I hope you embrace the current season of your life.